tisdag 7 juni 2011

A Trip to North Lapland

Disaster as our readership plummets - my parents are visiting so no need for them to read a blog and find out what they have been doing. Hej! to both our other readers. 

This weekend we have been on an epic trip to the very far north of Sweden to experience midnight sun and Europe's largest wilderness. As you can see - snow still there on the mountains and also the odd patch right down into the valley. The lake was still covered with ice when we arrived and you can see that the trees are hardly in leaf yet. Winter is only just starting to loosen its grip on the far far north.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej! Am I one of the two? Don't give up on the blog! Mum told me about the piles of dead lemmings. Is it wrong to ask for photos?
