lördag 25 juni 2011
Staying Longer
Shock horror news which you may not have all heard - we have now agreed to stay until May/June 2012. They wanted me to stay until spring next year but I suggested that since we were going to survive a whole winter, we would also appreciate some summertime too. So 6 months in Sweden has now become 18 months. This means we have more chance to do winter things we didn't do properly last winter - more iceskating on frozen lakes and also actually try cross-country skiiing. On the other hand it means we have to make it through the whole of winter and also the misery of the days rapidly getting shorter.
Midsummer is a big deal in Sweden - everyone celebrates with their family or friends, ideally somewhere in the countryside. It's a bit like Christmas except obviously it is more likely to be warm and sunny. Dancing around a maypole seems to be a vital part, along with eating shrimp and pickled herring - all washed down with aquavit.
Most swedes have a summer house somewhere in the countryside - normally something fairly small and basic - so they all head there for Midsummer (and also for most weekends in summer). This means that the city is really quite quiet this weekend.
Since we don't have a summer house, we followed the crowds and went to Skansen. This is the maypole at Skansen which we merrily danced around - here is a man dancing like an elephant.
Here is yet another photo of 'gosh look how light it is'. This one taken from our balcony at sunset (10:45pm) on the longest day. (In the middle of winter the sun will set at 2:45pm - yikes!).
söndag 19 juni 2011
Midnight Sun (also known as Midnight Light)
One of the main things we were expecting to see on our jaunt up north was the Midnight Sun. Unfortunately the weather was not interested in helping. So here is a photo taken at midnight one night, showing a completely overcast slightly gloomy looking sky. Amazing yeah?

söndag 12 juni 2011
Lemming Massacre (Not for the Sensitive)
There were dead lemmings everywhere and also quite a lot of live ones too. The little pile of furry corpses on top of the rock appears to be a buzzard dining room since there were more piles of fluff on the ground all around it.
Myth not correct - no sign of lemmings running off cliffs, in fact Snopes suggests that disney staged some footage in the 1950s <http://www.snopes.com/disney/films/lemmings.asp>
Since winter was long and hard this year, the lemmings had ages to breed under the snow so their population has exploded this year. This means it is a good year for the ptarmingan - they don't eat lemmings but it means predators can gorge on lemmings instead of ptarmigan chicks.
On some bits of paths (like the bottom photo) there were little dead things everywhere. They also seemed to mostly be lying on their backs with their little paws in the air and big
sticky-out teeth like cartoon dead mouse. They're hard to pick out but most of the dark-coloured blobs in this picture are lemmings.
Myth not correct - no sign of lemmings running off cliffs, in fact Snopes suggests that disney staged some footage in the 1950s <http://www.snopes.com/disney/films/lemmings.asp>
Since winter was long and hard this year, the lemmings had ages to breed under the snow so their population has exploded this year. This means it is a good year for the ptarmingan - they don't eat lemmings but it means predators can gorge on lemmings instead of ptarmigan chicks.
On some bits of paths (like the bottom photo) there were little dead things everywhere. They also seemed to mostly be lying on their backs with their little paws in the air and big
sticky-out teeth like cartoon dead mouse. They're hard to pick out but most of the dark-coloured blobs in this picture are lemmings.

tisdag 7 juni 2011
A Trip to North Lapland
Disaster as our readership plummets - my parents are visiting so no need for them to read a blog and find out what they have been doing. Hej! to both our other readers.
This weekend we have been on an epic trip to the very far north of Sweden to experience midnight sun and Europe's largest wilderness. As you can see - snow still there on the mountains and also the odd patch right down into the valley. The lake was still covered with ice when we arrived and you can see that the trees are hardly in leaf yet. Winter is only just starting to loosen its grip on the far far north.
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