söndag 13 mars 2011

Scooter ride in the north

Nick says:-
Having finished helping clear up from the party, on Monday we were lucky enough to go on a scooter ride, including a whole lot more frozen lake action. You seem to be able to drive over any open ground you like (I guess it doesn't really do the ground any harm) and they also have a network of snow-mobile paths which lead through the trees to shops/lakes/wherever you might want to go. The scooter is just another means of transport, but it gets you places which you can't get to in your car. Goran and Lena used theirs to go to their mountain house, which they said took about 2 hours.

As you can imagine, zipping across frozen lakes on one of these is a lot of fun - obviously I didn't have the nerve or experience to really push the throttle, but 30 felt fast enough. The stylish fur hats in the photos were lent to us, as were the padded boiler suits. What you can't see is that the one I had is for someone at least 6" taller than me and also wider - I looked like a child trying on his dad's clothes.

In the distance we saw a guy who was fishing - he had a large auger for drilling in the ice and then I guess was going to sit there for a few hours trying to not get too cold. Another properly swedish thing you'd never see in the UK.

1 kommentar:

  1. I have loved reading your blog. What a wonderful oppourtunity, getting to experience life in another country. You ar so lucky, it all looks so scenic.
